Components of Globalization Globalization of MarketGlobalization of ProductionGlobalization of InvestmentGlobalization of Technology 2:12 PM4Xavier Institute - Jabalpur.Drivers of GlobalizationDrivers of Globalization Two macro factors seem to underlie the trend toward greater globalization Decline in barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and capital that has occurred since the end of World War II Technological change.The term is sometimes used to refer specifically toeconomic globalization: The integration of national economies into the internationaleconomy through trade, foreign direct investment, capitalflows, migration, and the spread of technology. globalizationGlobalization: An ongoing process by which regionaleconomies, societies, and cultures have become integratedthrough a globe-spanning network of communication andtrade.Drivers,Globalization of market, production, investment, technologyPresented by:AnmolNekpuriPGDM III 2:10 PM1Xavier Institute - Jabalpur Drivers, globalization of market, production,